Friday, March 21, 2008

I Am, I Am Superman!

Dear People of the Internet:

Ever had one of those days where your schedule is so jam-packed that you're not sure how you'll be able to actually accomplish any of what you set out to do? I had that day yesterday. It was a massive undertaking and a horrible convergence of must-do mommy things. I had to get Alex to school by 8am, Sam to school by 9am (this is the easy part, folks). I had to then shop for food, goody bags, a craft and a book for Sam's class Easter party at the preschool. I had to do all of this (including actually making the food and putting together the goody bags) and be back at the preschool by 11am. I then had to amuse 10 preschoolers for an hour and rush out at noon to get back to Alex's school to get her and her cousin ready for their afternoon performance in the Talent Show. The kids were being called down at 12:15 and the show was starting at 12:30. Were they kidding with that timing??? There were no less than a dozen little girls and their moms crammed into a one stall bathroom trying to get dressed. Fun!

At that point was my break in the day. I would have from after the show (around 2pm) until Alex had to be back at the school at 6:45 to get ready for the 7:00 performance. The break never came.

I had just gotten Alex off to school and was getting Sam dressed. We were going to have Burger King for breakfast on the way. Then the phone rang. It was my friend. My 35 week, 4 days pregnant friend. My friend whose birth I was supposed to attend. Guess what? Her water broke! My mind immediately started racing, trying to figure out how to fit childbirth into my day. I told my friend I would do everything in my power to be there for her. Of course, there was no part of my day that I could hand off to someone else. When I hung up the phone I thought to myself, "well, I'll go up there after the afternoon performance and I can stay for a few hours. Hopefully it will work out. And if not, I'll go back after the evening show and maybe it will be time then...without having missed the birth somewhere in that middle time."

I went on about my day, occasionally checking on my friend at the hospital (Yay for cell phones!). All I could think about all day was getting there for the birth. Sam's party went great. Alex's afternoon performance was fantastic! And I was finally off!

I arrived at the hospital at about 2:45. I told my friend that I could only stay until about 5:15 because I had to get Alex ready. She was very understanding. We hung out and talked, watched her contractions on the monitor, laughed...and speculated that it probably wouldn't be time for quite a while and I could probably make it back in time after the 7pm show (around 9). Afterall she was only at 3cm when I arrived, after laboring all morning (already having been at 2.5 when she arrived). As my time grew shorter, I was really sad to have to leave and potentially miss the birth. But the baby must have sensed my concern...he arrived just before 5pm.

It was so amazing. I was so honored to be a part of this huge life have taken the very first photos of this precious little have seen his sweet little face the moment he arrived in this world. Magical.

So, I may have flown around like Superman yesterday. But if I am friend is Wonder Woman. She was amazing and fantastic. Way to go, Jen. Congratulations....and thank you.

~Mom on the Edge

p.s. Video of Alex's Talent Show performance will be coming soon...


Rachel said...

She is amazing and I am so glad you were there for her!! You totally rock for managing such a crazy schedule and still being such a great friend. :)

Wren said...

Superman indeed! Thanks for being there for me. I'm so happy Jimi heard you and made his appearence right in the nick of time.

You were a big support, and helped me laugh through a good part of the day and pain...

Chaffy said...

WTG SuperMom!!!!

Wren, congratulations on your little boy. :)