Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The mind of a 3 year old

Dear Bill Cosby:

Kids really do say the darndest things, huh?

We are an atheist family, but we believe in teaching our children about many religions and cultures. So Sam attends (as Alex did for 3 years) a Lutheran preschool. Pearson and I, both being raised in the Baptist church, find it difficult to give an unbiased explanation, at times, of a religion that neither of us were able to swallow when force-fed as children. So we thought it was best left to the believers. When one of the kids comes home telling us that they learned that God gives us food and water, we reply that yes, that is what some people believe (one of many examples).

Today Sam came home from preschool and we had the following conversation...

Sam: Today I learned about baby Jesus at Christmas. Do you know about baby Jesus at Christmas?

Me: Yes, I've heard that story.

Sam: Now can you tell me the story of baby Jesus at Halloween?

Me: I don't think I know a baby Jesus at Halloween story.

Sam: What about a pirate Jesus? That would be a really good story!

Me: I don't know that one either, but it does sound like it would be good.

Sam: We should write one, Mom.

Me: I think that's a great idea....

Sadly, someone already had our idea. Tonight I found http://www.piratejesus.com/001.html

At least we can read it together. And who knows what other adventures we can come up with for baby Jesus? Stay tuned...

~Mom on the Edge

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