Friday, December 21, 2007

O Tannenbaum, Teil Zwei (Part 2)

Dear Tacky Tree:

So, I dressed you up as best I could. Not bad, I guess. What do you think?

~Mom on the Edge


Chaffy said...

It looks beautiful, one would ever know that there was a Charlie Brown tree on psychedelic drugs under there!! Great job! LOL

GatorMommy said...

I agree - it looks great. Think Pearson might reconsider and spend the holidays at home rather than at work? :O)

Anonymous said...

you are a miracle worker!

~Becky said...

Thanks, girls. But the picture makes it look better than it really does (you'll see tonight, Jen). For some reason the lights look white in this shot (I wish they were!). But it definitely looks better than before. :)

From outside can't see any of the decorations, only the damn fiber-optic lights fading in and out in their many colored splendor. It's a little embarassing. LOL!

As for Pearson, he has remained at home...mostly because he doesn't like to be too far from the Wii that's hiding in the closet. But he does avert his eyes whenever he walks by the tree and is waiting patiently for the neighborhood association to come knocking at our door asking us to remove the tree because it's such a blight on an otherwise beautiful holiday season. ;)