Sunday, December 2, 2007

Speaking of Thanksgiving (Warning: Graphic Image!)

Dear possible skull fracture:

How do I know the extent of the damage? I mean, could you cause Sam more problems? I really thought when the swelling went down there'd be nothing but a bruise left behind. But there is sort of a ridge (for lack of a better word) beneath the bruise. What's that about? It's been more than a week (happened on Thanksgiving night). In hindsight, maybe we should have taken Sam to the ER, just to be checked out. When he rolled off of the office chair and his little forehead smacked the TV stand, the sound was horrifying...that thud. I couldn't believe that his head had made that sound. The blood curdling scream followed within seconds. By the time I scooped him up there was already a bump nearly as big as an egg on his head. It was all blue and purple. It was horrible. When I first saw it I thought I might throw up. Pearson and I were both freaking out a little. But thanks to a good friend who was visiting (Thanks, J) we remained fairly calm and tried to comfort Sam. We put a cold wash cloth on it and watched as the swelling started to go down. It seemed like he was fine. Eventually he calmed down enough to go to bed. It seemed all was healing well...but now this ridge. I just don't know what to think. Is it normal?

~Mom on the Edge


GatorMommy said...

Oh, Sam, that looks so painful!!! I hope it's all better soon.

Chaffy said...

The poor little guy. :( I hope he's okay, Becky.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, pretty sure you should have this checked out.

~Becky said...

Thanks for the advice, anonymous....but it was nearly a year ago now. So I don't think there's much to check out now. ;)

Anonymous said...

Still get it checked out, the effects usually dont show up right away... Hopefully no long term damage! :(

sara.s said...

I have the same problem right not! Swelling went down but there is a huge bump or some sort under my skin! Did u ever figure out what it was?