Sunday, January 6, 2008

Wii are loving it!

Dear Wii:

Thanks for coming to live with us. We're having so much fun. We play so much and it's such a workout! Even the kids are getting into it. In fact, Alex (who is just 6 years old) has a better record on some of the sports than her dad. She loves that. He does not. She's really good at bowling on the Wii. Her high score is 218. Her dad's is 205. :) It's family fun. Dad will just have to try harder.

Now, enjoy this video of Sam's first Wii boxing match. He knocked the guy out in the first round. Go Sam!

Oh, and for the record, my high score in bowling is 225. I rock!

~Mom on the Edge

1 comment:

Chaffy said...

Adorable, Becky!!! Go get 'em Sam!!! And WTG, Alex!!!