Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Deep Fried...WTF?

Dear State Fair Officials (Freaks):

I have seen some crazy things at the State Fair over the years. Some actually turned out to be pretty good. I am a slave to the deep fried snickers. I do like the deep fried oreos, although it still seems an awfully strange concept. Funnel cakes are one of the most perfect foods in the world especially when covered with chocolate syrup and powdered sugar. But really, you've reached new levels this year. I would love to meet the individual that created this new sensation. I have no desire to try it, but I feel certain there are many Virginians out there salivating at the thought. But, DEEP FRIED PEPSI? Why? That's all I want to know...WHY???

And what happened to the deep fried snickers anyway? Bring them back!

~Mom on the Edge


Anonymous said...

How, exactly, do they deep fry a liquid like Pepsi??????


Anonymous said...

Ugh...really? Pepsi?